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Welcome To Our Online Booking Site! Booking Classes Just Got Easier!
Group Classes consist of 5 - one hour in depth sessions.
Private Lessons consist of 1 - one hour in depth session.
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Our training facility is located in the shared, traditional, and unceded territories of Acadia First Nations
Welcome to Lighthouse Canine Online Booking Site!
Dog Training
Private & small group lessons for both family pets and self training service dog teams.
Positive reinforcement and bond based training fosters a supportive and engaging learning environment for both dog and human.
Family Pets > Basic Obedience & General Canine Good Manners
Family Pets > Canine Good Neighbour (CGN) Certification Preparation
Family Pets > Unwanted Behaviours, Separation Anxiety, Jumping Up.
Service Dogs > Foundations & BC Public Access Certification Preparation
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to view available appointment times

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